The Camino de Invierno in Monforte de Lemos

05/06/24 The Camino de Invierno is a pilgrim route to Santiago which coincides with the natural entrance into Galicia from the plateau. It is believed that many pilgrims used this route especially in winter in order to avoid the difficulties of crossing the snowy summits of O Cebreiro. This Camino has 7 stages and Monforte is at the centre of it. From Monforte you can complete the necessary kilometres to obtain the Compostela, making it an ideal starting point for the Camino.

The river Lor  flows crystal clear down from the Serra do Courel and winds narrowly through the valley. It can be crossed by a magnificent Medieval bridge from which you can continue on to Monforte de Lemos. Here you are in the heart of the  Ribeira Sacra, a natural landscape full of historical buildings in a region recognized in 2003 by the European Council as a place of interest.

Stage 4: Quiroga - Monforte de Lemos (35, 2 Kms).

Quiroga-Nocedo-Carballo de Lor-Castroncelos-A Pobra do Brollón-Reigada-Monforte

 Consult all the information on this stage

Mount Moncay, is the border between the councils of A Pobra do Brollón and Monforte de Lemos. Here you start a descent towards the valle de Lemos through a dense pine forest. From the Sierra Moncay to Monforte you cross an irrigation channel, a network that covers the whole valley.

After leaving the last houses in Reigada you take the road, calle de las Cruces. This was the old path that people had to pass through to get to the fortified town of Monforte, crowned with the Torre del Homenaje and the Monasterio Benedictino. Arriving at the railway track, where there is a transformer, you take the left path following parallel to the railway track and after about a 100 metres, turn right, crossing two level crossings. Continuing straight on along calle Roberto Baamonde, which will take you into the city centre. However, we recommend a deviation to the right, around 50 metres after the level crossing, into calle Real that will take you up to the mount of San Vicente where there is a group of historic buildings (Monasterio Benedictino and Palacio Condal) and the Torre del Homenaje, that after seeing many changes continues to stand majestically looking over the valley and the arrival of all the pilgrims.

Continue on into the heart of the  Ribeira Sacra region, between monasteries, vineyards and landscapes formed by hard work and full of enchantment. Arriving at A Vide and then at A Lagoa, Campos and Pacios. After heavy rain, flooding is common at the start of this stage in the parts of the route which are flat.

Etapa 5: Monforte - Chantada  (30,9 kms). 

Monforte-Moreda-O Reguengo-A Barxa-Belesar-Chantada

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Leaving Monforte de Lemos by the Medieval bridge and then turning left towards Campo de San Antonio. On the right can be seen the convent of the MM.Clarisas which has an important museum of sacred art -Museo de Arte Sacro and the old neighborhood of  Ramberde. In front of the convent is a cross, situated at the exit of the town and here you can see Jacobean traces of four scallop shells carved into the column. Going past the Casa Consistorial on your left, you leave the city by calle Abeledos, one of the oldest streets outside the walls, where you can still see the characteristic local architecture of houses with wooden balconies. Then you arrive at Calle de la Poeta Manuel María, a local poet, who lived for many years in this city and who dedicated many of his beautiful poems to it. At the end you arrive in calle de Chantada and then on the road that takes you to A Vide.

Arriving at A Vide and then at  A Lagoa, Os Campos and Pacios. After heavy rain, flooding is common in the parts of the route that are flat.  You then continue on to reach Moreda. The next destination is A Broza in the council of  Pantón.

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