We're going on the road: Monforte, wine and Viewpoints

09/09/2014 We're going on the road. The chosen option is Monforte de Lemos, the wine and its landscape of terraced vineyards. After breakfasting in Monforte and visiting the Conjunto Monumental de San Vicente del Pino, the Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Antigua, the museo de las Clarisas and/or taking a walk through the old city centre and/or along the river Cabe, you can visit the Centro del Vino de la Ribeira Sacra (Ribeira Sacra Wine Centre) to find out about the heroic tales of wine cultivation in this unique landscape.

Route by car. 48 km. 1 hour 7 minutes.

The next destination is Amandi with a stop off at the Mirador del Duque, a viewing point found on the road towards Castro Caldelas. Before being astounded by the steep terraced vineyards characteristic of the Ribeira Sacra, you can taste the wines in the bodegas that you will pass on your way, mostly in the area of Doade.

After trying the wines, continue on to the club náutico on the river Sil, from here you can take a river trip on a catamaran which will give you a different perspective of these legendary river banks.

More information river trip on a catamaran

On the road between Doade and the embarkation point, you can stop off at the mirador de Soutochao to contemplate the view of a spectacular landscape, unique in the world.

More information on viewing points

On returning to Doade you take the road towards Sober, here you have two options, either to follow the  ruta de los miradores (route of the viewing points) in this council, giving you new perspectives of the Sil from up high or discover the secrets of the pottery of Gundivós, characteristic of this region because of its production on a manual potter’s wheel and for its black colour that is the result of being passed through fire. A process worth watching. Now you are ready to return to Monforte.

Other excursións from Monforte de Lemos on the tourism website, section OF INTEREST.
